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Motoring Offences – what are your options?

A fine, points on your licence or even facing a ban can each have a big impact on your life. Beyond the initial penalty, there are a number of knock-on effects, as points can mean higher insurance premiums. A fine can seriously impact on your finances, while a driving ban could mean your livelihood is under threat.

Before you assume the worst, it is highly recommended that you talk to one of our specialist motoring offence solicitors here at Caddick Davies for high-quality, expert advice. When it comes to defending a charge, the level of legal representation you have is a key factor. Here at Caddick Davies, we are specialist traffic offence solicitors, so we know this area of the law inside and out and are able to offer expert legal guidance.

Our wealth of experience in representing clients who are charged with motoring offences in motoring courts around England and Wales means that all of our motoring offence solicitors are well equipped to work with you to give the best possible chance of a favourable legal outcome. We have an extensive track record across a wide range of motoring charges, so our traffic offence solicitors can help devise the exact best legal strategy for any case and client we provide with representation.

Some of the many areas of motoring law that our motoring offence solicitors can offer legal guidance and representation on include:

We believe that every motorist deserves access to the best in terms of high-quality legal advice and representation, regardless of the offence. From a simple speeding ticket through to dangerous driving, we know that out on the road, it’s not always ‘black and white’ and that sometimes there are mitigating circumstances to take into consideration, or that there’s another side to the story.

Our motoring offence lawyers make sure that your voice is always heard and that you get a fair chance to put across your case, with our legal services having been enlisted by motorists from London to Liverpool and Nottingham to Newcastle. Whichever motoring court in England or Wales has issued you with a summons with regards to a motoring offence, our traffic offence solicitors can offer the benefit of a reputation for diligence and legal expertise.

For each and every motoring offence, the quality of motoring offence solicitor you enlist can have a big impact on the likelihood of getting a favourable result in court. There are many different options for traffic offences solicitors around the UK, but here at Caddick Davies, we are able to offer a highly experienced and competent legal team so that we can provide you with a traffic offence lawyer who will deliver a dedicated legal approach and the best possible chance of a successful outcome.

When you get in touch with us, we will put you in contact with the driving offence solicitor who is best placed to take on your case. Through our specialisation in motoring law, each and every one of our legal team is able to be highly effective and offer in-depth knowledge across a range of motoring offences.

Motoring offences – potential penalty point (endorsements)

If you’re convicted of a motoring offence then the courts can fine you and ‘endorse’ your driving record with penalty points. Endorsements stay on your driving record for 4 or 11 years, depending on the type of offence. You can be disqualified from driving if you total up 12 or more penalty points within a 3-year period. The rules are different if you are classed as a ‘new driver’, with new driver status applying for 2 years from the date of passing your test.

Each endorsement is given ‘penalty points’ on a scale from 1 to 11, with more points given the more serious the offence.

The table below shows some (but not all) of the common driving offences and how many penalty points you could potentially get for them. If convicted, our traffic offence lawyers will do their best to mitigate on your behalf to ensure that the penalty points you receive are at the lower rather than higher end of the penalty points scale.

OffencePenalty PointsTme on record
Failing to stop after an accident5 to 10 points4 yrs
Failing to give particulars or report an accident within 24 hours5 to 10 points4 yrs
Driving while disqualified6 points4 yrs
Attempting to drive while disqualified6 points4 yrs
Causing death by driving while disqualified3 to 11 points4 yrs
Driving without due care and attention3 to 9 points4 yrs
Driving without reasonable consideration for other road users3 to 9 points4 yrs
Causing serious injury by dangerous driving3 to 11 points4 yrs
Dangerous driving3 to 11 points4 yrs
Causing death by dangerous driving3 to 11 points4 yrs
Driving or attempting to drive with alcohol level above limit3 to 11 points11 yrs
Driving or attempting to drive while unfit through drink3 to 11 points11 yrs
In charge of a vehicle while alcohol level above limit10 points4 yrs
Driving or attempting to drive with drug level above the specified limit3 to 11 points11 yrs
In charge of a vehicle while drug level above specified limit10 points4 yrs
Using a vehicle uninsured against third party risks6 to 8 points4 yrs
Driving otherwise than in accordance with a licence3 to 6 points4 yrs
Failure to give information as to identity of driver etc6 points4 yrs
Exceeding statutory speed limit on a public road3 to 6 points4 yrs
Exceeding speed limit on a motorway3 to 6 points4 yrs
Failing to comply with traffic light signals3 points4 yrs
Failing to comply with double white lines3 points4 yrs

There are alternatives…

Points, bans and fines are not the only punishments that can be imposed for motoring offences. As an alternative to these usual routes of punishment, the Police are increasingly using more proactive forms of driver training. This comes with a dual advantage, as not only is the hope that these courses will actually improve standards on the road, but these alternative penalties also free up the judicial system to deal with more serious offenders.

For a range of less serious crimes, such as speeding offences, using a mobile phone or contravening a red traffic signal, drivers can be offered the option of attending a Speed Awareness Course or Driver Improvement Course. Our traffic offence solicitors will help you to explore all of the details of your case and work out exactly which defences and range of alternative penalties may be able to apply.

This route is at the discretion of the Police, and there is a fee to pay, but it is still largely preferable to all of the knock-on effects that come with penalty points and particularly disqualification. Here at Caddick Davies, our specially trained traffic offence solicitors can negotiate for this option as an alternative to points, a fine or a ban. This could make a real difference, particularly if you have already accumulated points on your licence, and a further endorsement could mean the loss of your driving privileges completely.

We make it clear that we do not condone drink driving, dangerous driving or other breaches of the law, but we understand that there can be a range of mitigating circumstances at play. We believe that every motorist deserves the chance to explore their legal options and receive a fair representation in court. With this in mind, our driving offence solicitors seek to offer expert legal representation, beginning with a free no-obligation telephone consultation.

Should an individual contact us for a free consultation with regard to a motoring offence, one of our expert motoring offence solicitors will be able to speak to you and examine the key details of your case. Speaking to a specialised motoring offence lawyer will offer you the chance to explore whether there are any mitigating circumstances to your case and what your legal options are going forward. If you are facing a more serious motoring offence charge, discretionary courses may not be an option.

In that case, we will do our very best to represent you in a fair and effective manner that is based purely on the merits of each individual case. These are the sort of considerations we will be able to explore and determine during your initial telephone consultation with an expert driving offence solicitor from Caddick Davies.

How would I pay for representation?

Should we be able to take on your legal representation and you as the client want to enlist our services, our legal guidance and representation are usually offered via a ‘Fixed Fee’ model. Our fixed fee principle means that there are no hidden extras or additional charges, regardless of the outcome of your case. Because we only deal with motoring offences, our team of traffic offence lawyers have quite literally ‘heard it all’ and can build your defence based on a detailed analysis of the evidence and ensure that you are fully informed on your legal options at each step of the case.

This applies whether you’re contesting that you were the driver, through to extremely technical defences such as a challenge to the accuracy of measuring equipment in a speeding offence. Our traffic offence solicitors are experienced in a wide range of motoring charges. They have access to a selection of legal and technical experts who can offer input to cases in motoring courts in London, Cambridge, Luton, Birmingham, Nottingham, Cardiff, Liverpool, Manchester, Carlisle, Newcastle and many other locations around England and Wales. We’re here to ensure that every motorist has a voice, no matter what offence they have been charged with.

To find out more and to talk to one of our skilled and experienced motoring solicitors, contact us today on 03334 432 366 for a free consultation, or fill out our ‘Request a Callback’ or ‘enquiry form’ and one of our legal team here at Caddick Davies will be able to contact you in confidence.

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Motoring Offence Services




Exceptional hardship and totting up


No Insurance


Using a Mobile Phone


Failing to Identify the Driver


Careless Driving


Dangerous Driving


Failing to Stop and Report an Accident


Drink Driving


Medical Revocation


Drug Driving


Motoring Offence Solicitors

Why Caddick Davies?

There are a number of factors which make Caddick Davies the ideal option for anyone facing a motoring charge in England or Wales:


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UK’s Leading Motoring Solicitors

We have a highly-effective track record in defending motoring charges, leading to no penalties, or considerably reduced penalties, being imposed on our clients.

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