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Speeding Offences: Totting Up Ban

Speeding, and other serious motoring offences, often come with penalty points, which if they accumulate to 12 or more in a 3-year-period, could lead to a totting up ban. You could get disqualified for a minimum of six months by the Magistrates court. Any time you get caught speeding, you are at risk of having the court endorse penalty points on your driving licence. These speeding points on a licence could get you disqualified from driving if they accumulate. To read more about this, see our article on penalty points.

You should, therefore, be careful, not to receive multiple speeding offences. If this has been the case, and you believe there are mitigating circumstances, it is very important that you get reliable speeding solicitors who can represent you in motoring court and potentially prevent the court imposing a driving ban.

Contact Caddick Davies Solicitors today

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Caddick Davies Solicitors are among the top motoring legal experts operating throughout the UK. We specialise in motoring law, with our legal experts being highly qualified and having vast experience in speeding offences charges thanks to the thousands of clients we have assisted across England and Wales.

We understand that the legal system governing motoring law can be complex. We, therefore, take care not to bombard you with legal jargon you might not be familiar with, but instead offer the key information about your legal options. Please note that a totting up ban is set to track and disqualify motorists who repeat their offences, which is why we advise all motorist to take care not to repeat such speeding offences in a short space of time, since the build-up of the penalty points can have these serious impacts.

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How long does a totting up driving ban last?

The duration of any possible driving disqualification is obviously of great concern to many drivers facing a possible totting up ban. This is natural, since many drivers depend so much on their driving, both personally and professionally. A 6-month mandatory period of disqualification is imposed on any driver with a driving licence that has accumulated 12 or more penalty points. This, however, is determined by the presence of previous disqualification(s) you may have had in the past. A driving ban lasts, depending on the offences and penalties you have received, as follows:

  • 6 months for getting 12 or more penalty points in a 3-year period
  • 12 months if you get a second disqualification in 3 years
  • 2 years for those who get a third disqualification within 3 years

There are possible advantages of having no previous disqualifications, as with the right legal help, you may be able to negotiate a ban of less than 6 months. This, of course, is determined by the degree of your speeding offences, on top of other considerations the court makes.

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How do I find an expert speeding solicitor to help with my totting up charge?

Caddick Davies’ speeding solicitors are here to advise on the full range of your legal options. We advise and represent UK motorists on any mitigating factors and possible defences around speeding penalties that might be imposed on them. Since we know that the accumulation of penalty points on a driving licence can lead to you being disqualified, we can look to reduce the number of penalty points you receive.

Our solicitors at Caddick Davies are highly qualified and possess a high level of legal expertise. We are also highly regarded in motoring courts across the UK. Our solicitors can help reduce driving ban duration and provide favourable legal outcomes for many motorists charged with speeding. You should always look for a highly competent solicitor who can assist you in exploring options such as a submission of exceptional hardship, which could be effective in helping you avoid a totting up driving ban and keep your driving licence.

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If you have good reasons that could be useful in requesting a reduction of the driving ban period, contact us and we’ll be able to guide on how to apply for such a reduction, and in many cases offer our legal help. We can assist our clients in presenting to the court. If this is successful, we can also help our clients to re-apply for their licence and get back to driving. We can advise on the legal requirements and procedures that are there for reapplying for a driving licence.

You can get more information about speeding penalties and how they can lead to disqualification from driving through a totting up driving ban. If you are facing a speeding offence that could result in a driving ban, contact us swiftly by calling on 0151 280 3346, request a callback, or email us through our website.

We will offer reliable legal assistance to get you the best possible outcome in your case. Reach our legal team at Caddick Davies today for a free initial consultation, where we will provide an honest appraisal of your speeding offence case.

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Exceptional hardship and totting up


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Motoring Offence Solicitors

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